Sunday, December 03, 2006

Magical Dreams

The dreams were absolutely crazy last night.

In one dream, I made love. In another, a person asked me to start a relationship with him. In another, I attended an event that took place in the snowy mountains where I was dressed in a gown made of swarovski crystals and ice. In another, I danced passionately with a man in an empty barber shop.

What was going on in my head last night?


Anonymous said...

That kills my dreams...I thought my brain was taking crazy pills. I had one where the girl I was dating told me she was a man and another where my brother told me he slept with my fiance :(

T.a.c.D said...

Ice cream...cake...whatever you ate before bed...


I have those all the time too...I just had a humping session in my dream...

jendayi said...

a humping session!!!!?

T.a.c.D said...

I know in middle school...a dry humping session...not sex, humping...I was too blown from that...lOL

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