I thought I understood life. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought that my paths were clear and I knew who I was as a woman. But boy was I wrong. There is so much growing to do. I must keep developing into a better person. There are things that I do not know and do not have an answer to. Even though I wish everything had an easy go-to remedy, not all can be healed quickly.
I wished that I had an instruction manual for human beings and for life in general. What I forgot all along is that I had a Bible. There are no answers more upright than what's in that divine book. Everything I want to know is available for my taking. All I have to do is remember that it's there. So that was my mistake. My biggest mistake of all. Forgetting His words. While my roadway was dark, I should have been using his words to light my feet and path. Through it all, I've grown to learn to never leave His side. Never stray away from His direction. Never feel like I'm alone. I have the biggest teammate in the world. And it's only with His help that I can win.
Thank you Jehovah for remembering me, even when I don't remember you.
sometimes life happens and through the day to day of things we forget...we can all forget and sometimes we think we have arrived and then we realize we really haven't...one thing i have learned is that growth is the ONE thing that is constant...once you realize that you're so open to knowing you really don't know anything at all...that keeps you humble and keeps in a constant state of peace no matter what storms or darkness come your way...i am almost 30 and i am just figuring that out, but that's the thing, no matter how many times you think you've arrived you haven't and you never will FULLY arrive but you'll be at a place where you are ok with the daily steps changes and growth...
its ok and it will be ok, the first step needed you made...
chin up
oh and the other BIG thing is that you recognize your flaws that is a HUGE step to being a real woman...a real woman knows her pluses, minuses and in between...and you do...learn to appreciate you no matter what flaws and all...
Powerful post!
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