I watched the first installment of Black in America last night. Well... eh. It was alright I guess. Even though it was about Black Women and the Family, I felt very little applied to me. It was just a bunch of bad news and mostly things that I already knew. I wonder who the shows audience is. Who exactly is CNN and Essence trying to reach? People like me? Educators and activists? People in positions of power? White people? I'm asking because I know what it is to be Black in America. I'm touched by it everyday. No I'm not in poverty, nor do I have AIDS/HIV, kids, and no I'm not a high school or a college drop-out. But I have friends who are. What black person doesn't?
As Soledad and the show pointed out, we're in dire straights. So now what? I can bet all my shoes that the next tv show about African-Americans will give me the same or worse information than last year. Year after year, it'll be the same.
I was wondering Soledad would give us a chance to see the positive. Thankfully she did, even if it was for 10 seconds. Speaking of, what would a segment on being White in America look like? How rosy would it be? Or would they focus on the white trash to make it seem like they have the same problems as us?
Well, let's see what this Black Men in America segment is like tonight. I have a feeling it's gonna be rough...
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