Relationships are hard. Anyone who's been in one knows. I just wrote a journal entry yesterday about how happy some couples seem. Take Will & Jada for example. Just look at them. Can any two people be more suited for each other? Can't you feel their joy?

Of course I'm looking from the outside in, but they just glow love. More importantly, they reak of friendship. But since they are in a "relationship", they must have issues. Right? Aren't the words "relationship" and "issues" synonymous? I guess we were forewarned. The Scriptures tell us at 2 Timothy 3:1-3 that in these last days, it gets harder and harder to love. People aren't open to agreement anymore, nor do they have natural affection for each other. People just don't care about each other anymore. So how do you find what Will & Jada have (from the naked eye)? How does one person find someone who just wants to be with you? How does one find a person who actually wants to get married? How does one find a person who knows how to work on the issues or wants to learn how to do so? How does one find a person who has natural affection?
Aren't we all tired of the drama?
i know i am...i was talking to one of my hair dressers on Tuesday who just got married and hse was SO happy...she told me that she knew GOD had been preparing her for this marriage and that it was so peaceful, so drama FREE! and i was like wow...that's what i want...i just want peace...but it can take a while to get to that place, some people have it and then lose it some people have to work for it from the beginning...Jada will tell you, as she has before, that its a lot of hard work and she wouldn't recommend anyone hooking up after a divorce, but she and Will will also state that "divorce is NOT an option" and that they work VERY hard to make their relationship work...
it really comes down to compromise and a willingness to want it to work you know...
i also think that part of the issue is that everyone has been played or is afraid of getting palyed so we all have these walls up that can take some time to break down...
maybe if we all learned to be honest, even with ourselves first things wouldn't be so hard after all...
but as i continue to shift into my next phase of life all i want is peace
I was looking at these two yesterday and wondering the same friggin' thing....
I guess...when God says we're ready for it. It took them a while to figure it out.
You know what now that I am in a relationship all this makes alot of sense. Relationships are a work in progress but also most problems that occur in a relationship is either a choice of to learn and build from it or it simply breaks down.
JAC, I really feel you on this one. If you ever find an answer to some of these questions please let me know.
Girl I know I am. I am newly single, again.
I would love what t.c.'s hair dresser spoke about. But apparently I am not ready.
I think you will find that person or that person will find you when it is your time and you are ready.
Some people want it all but they are simply not ready. Too stubborn caught up in their own selves or whatever.
You have to wait until it is your time, don't try to rush it. That's where I think alot of people mess it up. Trying to make it happen in their time.
Hope things have been well with you lady!
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