Friday, November 03, 2006


True happiness is so under-rated
I'm so happy it's sickening
I don't think I've ever felt like this before
I feel like I'm living in ecstasy
My world is absolutely perfect
That may be hard to believe though
Outside of these walls, the world is absolutely insane
But in the midst of it all I'm at peace
I'm SO peaceful
I mean it's to the point where no one can make me mad
No one can hurt me
I find myself doing things for others a lot more
I like making people happy
It brings me pleasure
This is a complete 180 flip for me
I used to be so selfish as a child
But finding little ways to make people happy
That fills me up
$50 for my sis (even though I'm broke)
Picking up and ironing board for my boy at Target
Taking my co-workers mail to the post office while running my errunds
I'm realizing that that stuff really does come back to you!
I didn't believe it at first but you wouldn't believe how good life is
Money continues to come out of the woodworks right when I think I'm trouble
My co-worker just gave me nice suede jacket that she can't fit
I mean what is all this
Why is life so good
Why does everything seem to be so aligned
I think people are by nature nice
When you're nice to them first, you bring it out of them
The guard to my office building and I say "Happy Monday", or whatever day of the week it is, to each other every single day.
I walk with a smile on my face and say hello to everyone who passes
I think that picks others up
That's my job!
I'm so giddy!
Who am I right now?!
I'm even excited to turn 24 in a couple of weeks
I feel like my new year is going to be a fabulously radiant year
I'm telling you that it's a wonderful thing to be pleasant, giving, and likable
You know where all this is ultimately coming from though right?
My relationship with God!
That's the ONLY reason I am in this swirl of joy
Living according to His high moral standards makes everything worth while




T.a.c.D said...

You know where all this is ultimately coming from though right?
My relationship with God!

And that's IT right there...there isn't anything else that I can say or anyone else...when you are living right by GOD things just make sense, things aren't as just works...through it all, all that I have been through...I still have a sense of peace...I am finally at peace...and it comes from the parallel relationship/connection with knowing and getting to know GOD...nothing else really matters...everything else stems from that...

I am so glad to see your growth and to feel the happiness and joy just coming from the screen on this...I can feel it, I can sense it...*smiling* and its a beautiful thing!

jendayi said...

I'm cheesing right now!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and LOVE YOU TOO!!! Lol :-)


Anonymous said...

Well, it didn't save my earlier comment, but I was basically saying I feel you. Lol We tend to forget that the Almighty is the perfect parent and parents make rules for our benefit not theirs(with people that's most of the time.) So when we do things the Almighty's way, it's always going to be better! Joy like you couldn't imagine. So many times we think we want something, but don't stop to think what HE wants for us. It's nice to see that you're doing that and enjoying the benefits!

Stay uplifted and uplifting!


jendayi said...

miss alisa - awwww. Alisa!! I'm so glad that I could be in the proper place to uplift you. That, in turn, is inspiring to me! I love you girl.

young miss williams - you're welcome!! i'm glad I could put a smile on your face. thanks for stopping by!

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