Zuri (Beautiful) She Wrote - I'm a brown-skinned lady whose life’s purpose is to inspire. Whether it be through words, art, the Bible or photos, I believe that I have a voice that needs to be heard.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Friday
(Are Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon pop-tarts bad for you? Whenever I buy a box, they disappear in 2-3 days. I love these things. Which is why my breakfast is pop-tarts and tea this morning. Delicious.)
Have a great weekend people! Oh, what are your plans?
Year of Travel

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ri Ri
This has to be my favorite rendition of Umbrella. Listen to The Klaxons add their two cents. It's perfect. I can't wait to see her. Look at this stage. You know she's big when the stage and lights look like that. Much congratulations to you Rihanna.
Rihanna and The Klaxons - Umbrella - BRIT Awards 2008
Uploaded by s_natisha
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dying For It

Friday, February 22, 2008
Ran-Dumb Thoughts
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Perils of Long-Distance
After speaking with Continental representatives and looking at my options online, I texted baby boi "Do not trust airlines and man to help you stay close to the ones you love." Airlines don't care that you haven't seen each other in a while. They don't care that we've been waiting for this. They don't care that this is the only 3 day weekend I have left for a while. And they definitely don't care that baby boi has been pushing himself to the limit to prepare for me all day.
One day with him is better than none, so I'm going to sit in the airport today and see if I can fly standby. Such is love.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Ring Means Engaged

Speaking of V-day...
We've visited this question before but, I would like to return. How important is a ring? Not many men have a 2-karats worth of money sitting around in their bank account, right? (Or do they?) So if you've already decided that you want to get married and all there is left to do is wait for the funds to reach a 2-karat level, is it worth it to wait? It's obvious that the answer depends on the woman you aske. My mother got engaged and married without a ring. Just recently, after 25 years of marriage, did my mother get her diamond(s). But in today's age, who gets engaged or married without a ring? Even my little sister had a ring when she got engaged. As a college student, her boyfriend gathered whatever funds he had and bought her at least something to wrap around her left ring finger. But why is it so important? When did engagement rings become the end all to be all? Well, let's look it up!
Origin of the Engagement Ring
Engagement, or betrothal, rings date back to the ancient days of marriage by purchase when gold rings were circulated as currency. The groom-to-be would offer his bride-to-be a gold ring both as his partial payment and as a symbol of his intentions.
Brides-to-be in these earlier times wore woven bands made of rush (a flexible marsh plant with hollow stems), and replaced them each year. Roman brides-to-be wore rings made of iron to symbolize the permanent, unending nature of marriage. During Medieval times, grooms-to-be placed the ring on three of the bride's fingers in turn to represent the Holy Trinity -- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Engagement Ring - The inception of the engagement ring itself can be tied to the Fourth Lateran Council presided over by Pope Innocent III in 1215 [3]. Innocent declared a longer waiting period between betrothal and marriage; plain rings of gold, silver or iron were used earliest. Gems were important and reassuring status symbols to the aristocracy. Laws were passed to preserve a visible division of social rank, ensuring only the privileged wore florid jewels. As time passed and laws relaxed, diamonds and other gems became available to the middle class.
The origin of our custom to use diamonds in rings, and more recently, in engagement rings, can be traced back to the Middle Ages and even the Romans. The Romans valued the diamond entirely on account of its supernatural powers. Pliny wrote that a diamond baffles poison, keeps off insanity and dispels vain fears.
The diamond engagement ring did not become the standard it is considered today until after an extensive marketing campaign by De Beers in the middle of the 20th century, which came to include one of the most famous advertising slogans of the 20th century: “A Diamond is Forever”.
Now, I'm in no way against diamond engagement rings. I'ma state that now, because I definitely want one. BUT my research further stamps my hypothesis. Engagement rings are nothing but tools. Tools of superficiality, status, and even superstition. "a visible division of social rank"... "valued the diamond entirely on account of its supernatural powers"..."extensive marketing campaign by De Beers"... All this emphasis on rings being a symbol of love is a large bowl of crap. Men propose with diamond engagement rings because society tells them to. Bottom line. And if you're engaged and don't have a ring on your finger, you're dumb, crazy and dumb. (Yes I know I said dumb twice.) So tell me, how important is a ring?
Lol. Not to dampen anyone's heart day... =)
Still Get Goosebumps
2 New Joints!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Making The Band
The show is making me want to write again. Put some lyrics down on paper. Get my creative juices flowing. What do you say QS?
A bad sound check = bad news. That's just like a bad tech rehearsal. If the tech isn't right, your confidence and attitude is shot. I wonder why DK didn't let the boys go first, since they're a bit more seasoned. And where is the Bad Boy crew? Why are they doing this on their own? Lol. Diddy is a cold man. He probably did that on purpose. But you know what? The energy from the crowd should pick them up. All you need is the crowd.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The show of duels. (or duets) Alicia and Sinatra. Carrie and those boots. The Beatles and Cirque de Soliel. Morris Day and Rihanna. Fergie and J.Legend. Kanye and Kanye. Beyonce and Tina. Foo Fighters and new winner chick. Keely and Kid. Alicia, her earrings, and J.Mayer.
And Finally... what in the WORLD does this chick have on?! She is one of the least fashion forward celebs out here! With all that money, she needs to inspire! She may be able to sing, but she can't TOUCH you know who on the style tip.

Rihanna. Help her out please!

Saturday, February 09, 2008
Free Association
Melancholy mood.
Everybody's talking about struggles.
Wondering why life has to be so hard.
I keep telling people I have the answer.
They're not trying to hear though.
I'm bombarded by weaves!
Everytime I turn on a video.
Where's the originality?
I just got ticked hearing her sing about welfare.
No food on the table.
Pain in her eyes.
No clothes on her back.
But yet, a beautiful cascading weave.
I need a new favorite song.
But I'm interested to see the Grammy's.
Exaggerated remixes of old songs.
In a "Pretty Girl" type of mood.
Something sad and sweet.
Is anyone's life drama free?
Seems like individuals thrive on the stress.
We consume drama with our dinner.
Whether it's by the latest tv-drama.
Or over the phone with a lover.
I'm stretching out my neck.
Tension builds there.
The day's nuances fester there.
Train rides on my feet.
Rude strangers on the escalator.
A whiff of a dark side alley.
But it's all rosey.
I promise you it is.
When do you feel closest to God?
I haven't felt Him in too long.
Ice packs surround my heart.
Slowly, it can be chiseled.
"Come back home."
I get confused when I hear that.
Where's my home?
Here is the place I stay.
"Back home" is a place where I'll live.
Home is where I was raised.
Where childhood memories reside.
Where sis and I fought like enemies.
And where I sat in the window to write.
Good Lord!
Where has time gone?
On my 16th birthday I was at a dance competition.
My 26th will most likely be behind a desk.
Do we have any other option?
Growing older is the thing to do.
The "it" thing.
Time can go as slow as it wants.
I'm ready for the seconds to trickle.
Trickle from a slow leaking faucet.
Complete opposite of my childhood desires.
I was dying to get older.
Now I just don't want to die.
I want something.
Just don't know what it is.
Maybe I want to feel a 70 degree breeze at night.
Or see all of the stars at once.
Or feel the tightness in my back drain away.
Or be in a conversation that makes sense.
I'm looking at how naked my hands are.
Rarely are they unadorned.
They're extremely simple at the moment.
He mentions that he can't find anyone.
There are no women.
I honestly can't hear you complain.
Do something about it.
Go get yours.
It's movie time.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Good Energy
Monday, February 04, 2008
Ran-Dumb Thoughts
Katherine Heigl has been named the number 1 most desirable woman. I'm not quite sure why. What is it about her?
You know what song still gets me? Bilal's "Soul Sista". It's such a passionate song. Everytime I hear it, I'm reminded of the video. Bilal was so into this song. Making awkward faces and body movements. Loved it.
I fell asleep in a meeting today. That's not good. I tried to stuff myself full of donuts poppers and snickers but that didn't work. I'm just plain ole exhausted. And now I feel nauseous. I can't concentrate today. I wish I could go home now and rest for a little bit. My shows come on tonight too. Girlfriends. The Game. Making The Band. I need a nap before those come on or I won't make it.
I put a picture of some wedding bands that I really like up in my desk and my co-worker asked about them. She wanted to know if I was getting married. I think I better take them down. lol. I don't want to give anyone any ideas.
1 more hour to go. I'm leaving right at 5. I have a pricing to do anyway, so the time should fly by.
There are so many shoes in the world and I realize that I only have the basics. I have blacks, browns, and greys for days. What about greens, purples and oranges? I need to diversify!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Blogging During The Superbowl
Do you realize that you cannot move from the tv for the complete 3-4 hours of the game? If you do, you stand to miss some of the greatest commercials of the year.
Okay. 39 minutes til kick-off. Let me grab some nachos.
Sookie Sookie now. I'm hype already. And they haven't done anything but run out!
Jordin looks nervous. She sounds good. It's so effortless for her. Goosebumps!! Sing girl!
That's the biggest coin toss circle I've ever seen. Let's go New York!
Who names their child Plaxico?
I'm so glad Bill Belachick changed his rageddy sweatshirt!
That was an good drive. Patriots are hustlin though. New York better believe that they will be there. Let's go defense.
See. That 43 yard return is basically a preview of things to come. The Giants can't let stuff like that happen man!! Get it together!!!
Come on Antonio!!! No penalties man! What the #%@( are you doing?! Facemask too?! Freak you Pierce!
I love Angelina Joile! RETURN.
Good. Out of bounds kick. We need all the help we can book. 40 yard line here we go.
I have no confidence in Eli. Whenever he throws I just assume it's a bad throw. @^$#! An interception!
We look like an absolute mess. SMH.
Supermodels and lizards doing the thriller dance. Hmmm....
2 Sacks In A Row!! Defense did their job!! Let's go! Tom's going to be sore tomorrow. He he he.
Synopsis of first half - The Giants are holding on, but they're making too many mistakes. The only way we're going to win is if we make touchdowns. Forget the sacks, forget the field goals...Make Touchdowns. The commercials are kinda wack. The one with Justin Timberlake was memorable. Where's the genius though? Let's step it up!
For real Shaq?! Lol.
See, it's stupid mistakes like having 12 men on the field that ruins us. There's no excuse for that sort of crap. Watch the Patriots score off that bull... Well maybe not. The Giants defensive is working it out!
GEAH! That's like the 4th sack right?!! Strahan rules!! Man. The defense is TIGHT! Alright now Manning. Don't let me down.
Toomer is taking care of me right now. They have to score right here.
Dang man! =(
This sucks. No one is scoring! Zzzzzz.
YEAH!! Some action!!! Kevin Boss with a 45 yard run! Did you see the way Smith looked at him? Ha! "Yeah punk. That was a complete pass!" TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah! Oh my goodness. I love ELI MANNING! lol. (This time.)
I love my little football playing robot that warms up on the left side of the screen during commericals. He's great! There's something about that robot! lol. He looks so real. He's so shiny this time. Look at him. Sexy...
That E-trade baby commercial is strange. lol.
I never understood why running backs run straight into piles thinking they can bust through. Aren't the odds against you? Seems like a waste of a down.
Good spin Eli. Bad throw Eli.
That Hyundai Genesis looks just like a BMW.
I'm starting to fall asleep. Can someone please make a play?
This is a long drive. Oh my goodness. New England is going to score. 10 to 7, Giants. 3:12 to go. 1st and goal for the Patriots. I'm scared. 2nd and goal. Deep breath. 3rd and goal. I'm going to cry. =( Patriots lead by 4. Again.
14 yard return. That's it. We've lost. 2:39 to go? Yeah. I have no faith. We're done.
Adriana Lima! Love her. If I love her, I bet men go crazy over her. And she didn't even do anything in that commercial but sit with a football. lol.
Run Eli Run!! Slipped out of that sack. PASS COMPLETE! Holla!
Yeah. We're done.
I'm spent.
"The Giants Have Won The Superbowl"
And scene. =)
Friday, February 01, 2008
Ran-Dumb Thoughts
I can't afford anything on my favorite new site. Net-a-porter. Barney's. Christian Louboutin. Come on now. What am I supposed to do with that?
I forgot my umbrella dag on it. And it's really raining.
Today would be the day when the hours pass by slowly. Why?!! Fridays are supposed to be fast moving right?
I gotta figure out what my social scene is going to look like out here. I should be able to piece something together from okayplayer, fusicology and going right? Am I missing anything?
I'm in the mood for a really good sandwich. Lunchtime! Holla!
More Fashion
POLYVORE.COM ladies. Just go there.

Diamonds Are Forever

Country House

Praire Chic

In The Jungle

Weekend in Relax

Stylish Move

Jealous World