Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm going to start dancing again.
At least in my living room.
My legs need some work.
They no where near look as toned as they used to.
Monday should be gym day.
It's the only day that I have time.
Starting today...
I promise.
I'm going on a cruise in January.
They should be good by then.
I miss dancing.
Perhaps that'll be part of my regiment.
Gym on Mondays.
Dance in my living room on days in between.
Nothing kicks my fitness up like a vigorous ballet barre routine.
All I need is music, space, and passion.

I had the opportunity to hang with a friend last night.
I had a pretty interesting, yet fun time.
You never really know a person until you spend time with them.
First glance might have you all backwards.
Spending time allots for deeper investigation.
I like getting to know people.
I'm glad I'm getting to know him.
It helps that he's good looking.
Yeah, the man is handsome.
That's the first thing I said to myself when I ran into him.
But everyone's more than a face.
Can't wait to learn more.
My co-worker just said, "This is what i think about u.
You like company and are open to it,
but you won't let guys get too close.
I think thats a tease to a guy interested in you."

He's 110% correct.
I don't want to be a tease.
That's why a one on one outing is very rare for me.
Why play games?

Why did I just make some crazy gym arrangements?
5:15am Mondays and Wednesdays.
With my co-worker.
(Same one from above.)
I don't care.
I'm about to do this.
Beautiful legs here I come.
Watch out now.

I saw "I Think I Love My Wife" Friday.
GREAT movie.
It get's you thinking about a lot of things.
To sum it all up, you must communicate in relationships.
You must separate reality from desire.
And fact from emotion.
What will pass and what will always be there.
What's worth taking a chance for and what's worth keeping.
I love it.
Even though a woman can leave that movie feeling doomed,
I am actually more inspired and ready.
Imagine seeing that movie with your husband/wife.
Perfect discussion opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was okay. Thought provoking questions can be brought out from it though. Gives you something to think about. i'm glad i saw it for free though too!!


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