Monday, September 24, 2007

Facts of Life

Update: Balloon Man asked me for more clarification so here it goes. I did kinda right this in a hurry. Sorry so Abstract People!

Three Things - This is kinda a summary of moms and my discussion yesterday. lol.

1. a man who cannot take care of himself cannot take care of you. does this need clarification?
2. women can endure. men cannot. well in my personal experience that is. mom and i were talking about me specifically. i can endure.
3. women take crap. men do not. we were talking about the nature of women in relationships.

The Lyric I'm Feeling - just something I heard today that I liked

You know that I want you, but boy not this way.
I want so much more than what you give today.
To show you I want you, I push you away.
If it's meant to be boy, I trust that in the end, we'll find a way.

Stuff About Me

1. I tire out easily. My mother said that I'm the worst in this regard. lol. If you get on my nerves, I am done. i won't be permanently done. i just mean for the time being. ha! i'm not the smile in your face when i'm burning inside kind of person. =)
2. Movies are my remedy. I saw a great foreign film called "Love Me If You Dare" last night. It was perfect. Completely opened my eyes. it was about friendship and love. a bit weird at first, but i guarantee you'll love it.
3. Too many choices is like death to me. Give me an option between A and B only. i almost wish i could go back to the point in life where mom and dad made all my decisions. it was so much easier back then.
4. I like my text messages answered. I don't care if it's just an OK, I need you to acknowledge that you received it. this was written to one person in particular so please don't take offense.
5. What irritates me more than anything (where relationships are concerned) is when someone thinks about themselves before the other person. like t.c. said in the comments... just read her comment.

"Woke Up Monday Morning Got a Lot of Bad News Today"

- a severe migraine woke my dad up in the middle of the night in which he had to pray through. he has a doctor's appointment in 15 minutes.
- my spiritual mom back east is fighting for her life. she's now in the hospital on oxygen.
- my 17 year old cousin is in jail without bail.
my stomach is officially in knots...


Deja~I~Am said...


P.S. your second text came through but i couldn't open it. Just in case you were mad at me! LOL

Taj Tashombe said...

Why all the man bashing?

1. ANYONE who cannot take care of themselves is not a good fit (man or women)

2. Men can endure...we are the backbone, the rock, the foundation...we lead the way. Ask any successful black man if they've ever endured.....hell, ask me!

3. Some men do take crap...only because they aren't real men.

The best of men who at times fall victim to the ills of society sometimes need a lift -- FROM YOU (women)

As a black man I speak from the heart and from personal not lose faith in US men because of unfavorable circumstances -- i.e. finances, jail, family, career, etc.

Keep the Faith and the light shall shine always.


K.C. said...

I guess things haven't improved for him (needless to say). That's a shame. I had hoped he'd come around soon.

jendayi said...

@deja - lol. not mad Pooh.

@taj - not man bashing. just had a convo with mom and listing some things we talked about. throwing out some thoughts. they're more specific than you're thinking.

@kc - oh naw. it's not like that.

T.a.c.D said...

i really think that i agree with your first 3 facts...
under stuffa bout me

I am on the opposite end of some things
1. I don't tire out easily at all, maybe i should find a balance of tiring out at some point, but nope I just keep giving and going
2. Music is my remedy
3. DITTO sistah!
4. i do too, but sometimes people are just busy and we have to acknowledge that
5. being selfish and inconsiderate are totally off base

I don't know why, its not like you asked me to do that, but just wanted to for some reason, and you and yours are DEFINITELY in my prayers

Balloon Man said...

Can you explain your facts in detail?

jendayi said...

@t.c. - sometimes you have to tire out and walk away in order for a person to know that you're serious and they can't play with your feelings.

@balloon man - i updated it for you. is it okay now?

dc_speaks said...

oh my....

this was quite interesting. I will reserve further comment but the blog post was very very direct.

im adding prayer for the not so positive factors going on in your life.

have a fantastic day TODAY!!

T.a.c.D said...

I think with all of these, they are based on personal experiences and thus opinions...with the 3 facts its the same for women, because a woman that can't take care of herself can't take care of a man...i also firmly believe that in a lot of situations women are more patient, understanding and enduring, that is NOT to say that men aren't...but still and most men do not take crap off of women, but neither should women...

i agree that sometimes you absolutely need to step away from a situation for your benefit and for the benefit in the long run...i guess i am just a fighter...sometimes i will let you go on about your business to see if you figure some things out...but you know, that's up to you...

i also think that, and i have said this before, a lot of times we want what we want NOW, instantly, and love and relationships are about growth and nuturing/cultivation, so some things aren't going to come RIGHT its about finding the balance between letting it cultivate and grow because you can see the forest for the trees or letting it go because you can't see the flowers for the weeds...

just my additional 2 cents

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