Today has marked an incredible milestone in my life. =)
For the first time since May 2004, I stepped into a studio and took my FIRST OFFICIAL DANCE CLASS. WoHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Of course I was a bit nervous because I wasn't sure what my body would tell me. It would either tell me to shutup and sit down or it would nod in agreement and say, "okay, oaky... i see what you're trying to do to me. i'll be nice and work with you this time."
MIRACULOUSLY, I made it through! Even though my legs felt like spaghetti after an hour and a half of Horton, it felt incredible to dance again...to be among other dancers...to take choreography...to feel my body align...to connect with music...to wear dance attire...to sweat. While wobbling down 9th avenue, I couldn't help but smile and call my mother on the way to the subway to tell her all about my first night at Ailey. =)
Look out for me in the '08 people! My muscles might be weak now, but wait until 3 months of hard work go by. You won't be able to touch me! Holla yaaaaaa'lllllll!!
CONGRATS! watch out there now...
get it girl.. I told you you'd love it :) E.H.
hey hey now!
You Go Girl!
How exciting, enjoy yourself!
Congrats girl!
I will be stepping out again in the next few weeks too! Oooo wee!
Work it out Princess!! Congrats!
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