Monday, November 10, 2008

What's Your Temptation?

One of the guys asked me the title question the other night, after briefly touching upon religion. Back in the day, I could have answered that quickly, but I really had to think hard about it. I've had many temptations in my adult life, but ever since I became the single lady that I am, my temptations have pretty much dwindled. I guess that would indicate that most of my temptations were sexual in nature, but that's not really the case. But of course, since I'm one of those no-sex-before-marriage girls, divulging in the temptation of pre-marital sex was extremely difficult. But in general, I was never tempted by things like food (gluttony), drugs (illegal fixes), or money (the love of it), rather my temptations were kinda psychological in nature. For example, when I was young, my self-esteem issues played a HUGE part in tempting me to accept attention that was not good for me. But now that I'm older, my temptations are very few and far in between. Oh but wait! I AM tempted by new things, i.e. clothes. It's very hard to say no when you can find 12 reasons why you deserve the item regardless if you need it or not. =)

I more so have struggles, not temptations. I think there's a difference. I struggle with my own thoughts. Stuff like 'you're not moving on fast enough', 'you haven't done enough', 'you aren't reaching the goals you set for yourself', 'when will you ever get married'. It's those thoughts that kill me more than anything else.

I know what my temptation is. Music. Music can make me do just about anything. It's almost like it worms it's way into my veins and manipulates me into certain acts. Not good. To maintain my integrity, dignity, chasteness and all of that, I need to curtail some of the things I listen to. But boy is that hard for a music lover such as myself. smh.

What's Your temptation/struggle?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would not call mines temptations but struggles, over spending sometimes & procrastination .

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for a while now and I feel compelled to comment on this post because it's like you took a page out of my own diary! lol. I hear you, feel you and understand you totally!

Jenn Will said...

my temptations are as follows:


I cannot turn down a sexy man asking to take me to dinner, for which I would absolutely need to get a new outfit. :)

T.a.c.D said...

i would say that i can totally relate to struggles definitely USED to be my own voice...i think when we are growing into who we want to become we can really be our own worse enemy so that whole: when are you going to get married? when are you going to buy your house? when are you going to lose those 20-30 pounds? how or when are you going to reach your goals? those things....were definite struggles for me...but not anymore...

i think i have come to a point that life i understand that life will happen how its going to happen and me beating myself up over things won't make it come any i love and appreciate myself...

i still struggle but now its like:
okay tc you gonna to work out now or later
okay tc you can't buy this because you are trying to get out of DEBT
okay tc you can't eat that you are counting your calories...

i don't allow myself to beat myself up for things in my life...i just take it one day at a time and take small steps to reach bigger goals...

GemisMyName said... I type this I am supposed to be wrapping up my homework so I can turn in "early" and get up for the gym in the

Spending too much, especially on vanity items. I'm not a consistent spender, but when I do it's bad. Luckily I never use credit, but still...

Men/Sex no so much, but when I attach myself to someone I'm tempted to stay connected even when it's well past time to let them go...sigh...

But maybe it's just me... said...

My struggle (less temptation) is maintaining forward focus, especially where men I love are involved. I struggle with letting go.

I also struggle with SPD - severe procrastination

Anonymous said...

I'm a 24-year old not-half-bad-looking black male who's waiting until marriage to have sex with no potential mate in sight. . . WHAT DO YOU THINK MY TEMPTATION IS??? lol

I feel you on the music thing. I'm glad someone else has finally admitted the power of this stuff. It's the easiest way to make things a part of you. That's why you learn your abc's through a song.

As someone who's done the playlist cutting act, once they're gone, you really don't miss them after a while. The inital cutting is pretty painful, especially if you got them legally, but after the convulsions stop it's pretty doable. :-D


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