Friday, December 05, 2008

I Don't Know

The place where I hate to be the most.

Are you moving back to MD? i don't know.
Do you want to stay in NY? I don't know.
Do you want to go back to Time Inc.? I don't know.
When do you think you'll move? I Don't Know.
What do you want to do with your life? I Don't Know.
What's most important to you right now? I DON'T KNOW.
Do you want to be left alone? I DON'T KNOW.



Chari said...

Heyyyyyyyyyy long time hun!! Hope you are ok lady!!! Keep your head up and remember the answer to how is YES!!!! Much love!

T.a.c.D said...

And guess what you don't need to know!!! Sometimes its just BEST to sit and be still you don't have to know all the nerve wracking as it may be...its okay to just BE!

Chari said...

Girrllll I just read your Pouring my Heart out Post!!! Girl Girl!!! Yes, let that man have his time. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting a guy that is COMMITTED to God. I believe I have found a guy that is just that (well I have know him for 10 years!! lol we just started dating). Anyway girl PLEASE believe it will be worth it! Let those other girls have at it with the other craziness.

Sorry to hear you lost your job girl but it sounds like you are QUITE blessed despite it and this may have been a blessing also!

Get it with the music/modeling/photography thing!! lol

Keep Him near your mind and heart!

~Your sis in Christ! Peaces!!

Ms. Confessions said...

Nothing wrong with saying that.

Hell, I don't know either :)

GemisMyName said...'s so okay not to know. It's better to admit that, than make a decision you'll regret. These are all some heavy questions.

But maybe it's just me... said...

Although it's hard to be in a place of not knowing, sometimes that's the only time God can have your uninhibited ear to whisper what He would have you to do next.

Read this when you get a chance:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there beautiful one :-)

Vickilyn said...

Don't stop dreaming! Just be still and let Him work everything out!

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