Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ugh. I'm dying today. I feel like I'm slowly decaying sitting in front of this computer. Please release me from this bondage!! I already took a walk around the building this morning to break the chains shackling me to my desk. I don't know why I'm feeling like this all of a sudden. I never used to hate coming to work. I think it's because I'm getting anxious. I have so much to look forward to and it'll all start when I give my 2 weeks notice. Do you HAVE to give 2 weeks notice? Why can't you come in on Monday and say that your last day is Friday? Forget work etiquette! I've been listening to this same CD for hours. I must be on the 4th rotation. I really feel like a robot. So monotonous. So boring. 2 hours and 15 minutes to go. Lord help me please. My performance evaluation meeting with my manager will kill some time off this long grueling wait period. I wonder if I should mention my ideas to her. She's going to want to know why my plans for school have changed. And since that's enumerated on my performance evaluation, I think I owe her an explanation. The question is, do I need to tell her everything? I'm all for honesty, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but she's on a need to know basis. And she doesn't need to know. At least not yet. I'm not going to do or say anything until I get back from Myrtle Beach. I'm not even going to think about any of this until after Myrtle Beach. In the meantime, j.a.c., Suck It Up. Go to work, change your attitude about your job, and be happy. =( Yes ma'am... It's funny how I just wrote a really encouraging journal entry last night, but somehow feel like I need to read it again to feel encouraged today. How soon we forget huh? I suddenly have nothing else to say. I guess that's all folks.


Chari said...

Keep your head up! And have a GREAT time during your vacation!! We all need one every now and then!

jendayi said...

I need mine NOW! But thanks mystery.

Anonymous said...

"It's funny how I just wrote a really encouraging journal entry last night, but somehow feel like I need to read it again to feel encouraged today."

Lol, been there. Always love reading your entries, homie. Quite the writer you are. The force is strong with this one. So where are you going from here? Or is there an entry to reference for that? New job same field, or complete career change?


T.a.c.D said...

i am feeling like that today, drowning...i feel like i am drowning in disappointment

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