Sunday, August 05, 2007

You Have Potential

Guess what this guy said to me tonight. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You know what? You have potential." Hmm... Now ladies... and even gentlemen, what exactly are you supposed to say to someone who decides that you have potential? Are you expected to nod your head in humble recognition and mumble a timid thank you or do you take the more conceited avenue and say, "No. The real question is do YOU have potential." No one has ever told me that I have "potential" so I wasn't quite sure how to take that. When he said it however, I felt a little confused. But was I confused because my head is too big and I figured that he just didn't know me, or was I confused merely because I wasn't prepared for that comment? Does my shock mean that I need a slice of humble pie or does it mean that I'm clearly aware of my worth and should never have to hear someone tell me that I have potential?

On the real though.. and this is just me being 100% honest... I do believe that most men can not measure up to my standards. I don't even want to get into what those standards are or what my "list" consists of, but I do believe that I am a pretty good catch. It's okay to believe that right? Rather, it's okay to KNOW that right?

Hahaha. That was funny. I hope I conceiled the look of shock on my face when he uttered those words. I understand that he may have been joking slightly, but I don't know. My girl can testify. Something wasn't quite right.

Lol. I have potential. Hmm... Okay.


T.a.c.D said...

that is interesting...nothing wrong with thinking highly of yourself...if you don't believe that you are a catch, who will

jendayi said...

that's a good way of thinking about it. hmm...

Anonymous said...

WOW...first off, that is new. I don't know if I am fortunate or unfortunate to have never had anyone say that to me (to my face out loud). Like you, I am not sure how to take that or even how I would've taken that.

You thinking highly of yourself and being sure of what you want, assuming that it is realistic is commendable to me. It is the way you carry those thoughts and yourself that really matters.

jendayi said...

"It is the way you carry those thoughts and yourself that really matters." yeah that's the point huh?

T.a.c.D said...

that's exactly the point...

Anonymous said...

Honestly...I would never look too deeply into anything a man says, because men just aren't that deep! 99 out of 100 times they are just pulling a comment out of their a$$ just to get your attention and it is merely a coincidence if it happens to be even vaguely fitting.

Next time some jack a$$ says you have potential...ask him "What makes you say that" and see how long it takes him to muster up the most superficial response imaginable.

As far as thinking vs. gotta "know it" because the last thing you want is other people defining your greatness for you because they will always shortchange you.

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