Monday, October 30, 2006

Question To The Fellas

What do men want?

We spend alot of time trying to figure out what women want and what men have to do in order to become number one the list, but rarely do we visit the situation from the other side of the equation.

So men, what do you want? This is your opportunity. What are the little things that mean the most to you? What's one thing that you can't do without? What do you need? You don't have to answer this in regards to a relationship. Answer this just so that women can understand men a little bit better.

Football? Cuff links? A nice cut? Space? Comfort? Pride? A cook?

Let us know.

Thanks for responding.


Daneger said...

There are a million answers to this question and every man will answer it differently but the first thing that comes to my mind...
Men want a woman that understands the fact that sometimes we just don't want anything from you. There is nothing wrong, I'm not upset, no need to ask 20 questions to figure it out, I just don't want anything right now. As Phonte put it "I want a girl when I want a girl and when I don't want a girl, I want a girl who understands that".

Oh and a good meal doesn't hurt...LOL.

Anonymous said...

I want a girl w/ extensions in her hair, bamboo Man wants to feel like a man and a women that allows him to be a man. Men like to be in charge but in a respectful way. I like my space when I need my space. I want to spend time w/ my honey bun but I need my time w/ my fellas as well. I want less drama as possible, I dont want 21 question, I want trust. I dont want to be taken advantage of, I want to be appreciated. I need affection, I need Love, I need conversation, I need laughter, I need for you to understand me, my likes and dislikes, my wants and my needs. These are just a few things...

Daneger said...

yeah what he said too...LOL.

jendayi said...

dane - i remember the first time i heard phonte say that. it was definitely food for thought.

anon - i'm listening.

jendayi said...

mikesee - I asked both questions. What do you want and what do you need. Right? Wait. Let me look.... Yeah I did! Either way, I want to know both. I NEED to know both. =) Stop being so particular and write! lol.

Anonymous said...

Instead of focusing on women try coming from a different approach cuz everything that has been said so far has to deal with women or a significant other. I think that all men need a "hobby" or something to keep them entertained or something to root for, whether its sports as in football or womanizing or dancing or whatever...basically anything that we can enjoy at all times when we need it that in our eyes will never fail to please us. Football and basically all sports will NEVER fail to please me...

jendayi said...

Thank you for bringing out another perspective!

Anonymous said...

Need, hunh? I think I touched on wants and needs on facebook, but didn't differentiate. Me personally, I definitely need my Kep time. If it's Friday night and I'm going to pretty much spend the whole weekend with you starting at seven o'clock, please don't call me at 3:00 when I'm trying to hang out at Borders and be a comic book geek for a little bit. Space is definitely an

I mean, the girlfriend is going to be his favorite person, but that doesn't mean that a brother doesn't need some time to himself. Sometimes you want to just think with no one around. Sometimes you don't feel like talking about it. Other times we want you to draw it out of us.

That's a big one. I know that I personally don't like to vent unsolicited. Unless someone asks or I'm dangerously stressed out, I'm most likely going to keep my problems between me and my blog. (which is ironically public. . .) Sometimes it doesn't even make it up there because I know people are reading and don't feel like being concerned with how they're reading it.


Anonymous said...

Honestly J.C., you're ahead of the game in a lot of ways. This is especially true when it comes to blending humility and confidence. You know good and well you're a catch, physically and mentally, but you're not verbally reminding people of that every two seconds.

And while you realize that, you still take the time to ask questions and improve. Man, that's rare! I think you're pretty good at that letting a man feel like a man thing as well. My best example is the KAA. You propose ideas, disagree, and improve in a very respectful way. While many might come off as trying to take over or something. It's hard to give an example, but it's definitely something I've noticed. Not to mention giving me my space when I was thinking about resigning from my position.

Just had to give ya props, homie. You're duly appreciated!

jendayi said...

Everyone - My mom said "everyone needs to readjust their thinking. a good mate it's not what you need, it's what you can give. a successful relationship consists of two good givers and two good forgivers. but beware, this is only obtainable in a marital relationship."

Kep - Thank you.

jendayi said...

Kep - Sorry for the brief thank you. I was on the phone with Mama C. at the time. I have to say thank you again though because that was really nice of you to write. After telling my my mom that you gave me a really nice compliment, she read it too and began to rant about how good of a guy you are. =) I really appreciate your comments Kep. I can't say thank you enough for being the positive person that you are.

T.a.c.D said...

I know that I am late...but to piggy back on what your Mother (and my Momma C)said...I love the lyrics from "wings of forgiveness"
I've searched for romance
Flowers and affection
What I found is a lesson
Of what love really is
Found the game of love is
Not about how much you can take
In fact authentic love is about
How much you can give

I think that really says what is really all about...from that all things flow

jendayi said...

t.c. - Those lyrics are something else. I think that's a very profound thought in fact the biggest lesson we can all learn about love. Forget about all the feelings and the romance. Love is about hard work and giving! Thanks for that T. Who sings that song?

T.a.c.D said...

India Aire...did I spell that right...but yeah...that song got me to where I am about love after all that has happened...its a beautiful song!

Anonymous said...

Lol, Appreciate it, and I appreciate the C's comments too! Just callin' em like I see 'em, homie!


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