Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Truth Or Dare - Take 2

Trizzy asks, "What (or who) made you start blogging, and how long do you read a blog before commenting?"

T.C. and MikeSee inspired me to start blogging. I didn't even know what a blog was until T.C. sent me the link to MikeSee's Day2Day blog over a year ago. I found the content of his posts very interesting so I read them faithfully. I'm surprised that it took me so long to start blogging, but I guess I didn't think I could do what MikeSee does. I love to write, but I normally pen everything in my journal for my own personal release. Thinking that others would want to read what I have to say was a foreign idea. So after T.C. started doing her thing, I was inspired to do mine. I still can't believe people actually want to read what I write. =/

I can honestly say that I LOVE BLOGGING and I don't know what I would do without Zuri She Wrote. I mean my journal is my first love but being that I sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, blogging is so much more convenient. I still reserve my journal for late nights under the covers and by a single table lamp. It's especially intimate to write in my journal. And it's there where I can write about anything and anyone. On the blog, I have an audience. In my journal, I have me.

And for the second part of the question, "how long do I read a blog before commenting", if the blog captures me right away, I'll read the whole thing and then comment. If it doesn't capture me, I'll skim it and decide to comment if something grabs my attention. I actually have a lot to do at work which doesn't afford me a lot of commenting time. That brings me to a question. How long to you bloggers actually spend on this thing?! Do the more intense bloggers just not have intense jobs or what?! =)

Thanks for listening.

Have a good one.

"I can do better than make love to you.
Better than make you say my name.
Please Please Please
Oh don't you make me have to beg."
- R.T.


T.a.c.D said...

Umm I check it often...OK I keep it up (meaning the page open at the bottom of my computer at work) so on slow days I blog all day long...busy days not so much...I love just getting stuff out...my mind is constantly going...

jendayi said...

@ t.c. - do your thing girl.

@ mikesee - just giving credit where due! no thanks necessary.

Daneger said...

Young, this is the softest game of truth or dare EVER...LOL. Not that you have to get ignorant but I just assumed you guys would come with more revealing questions or something. Especially as crazy as TC is!!! LOL.

jendayi said...

@ daneger - well bring it on man! get involved so we can see what truth or dare really is about! lol.

Daneger said...

Ok I'll ask you something simple. When you dream of your perfect man who do you picture as that man and why? (this is just the first thing to come to mind) Now I completely expect you to have some P.C. way out of answering this but there is always someone in mind even if you know that person isn't what you want them to be.
Oh and I guess you get to ask me one now...I'll go with truth also.

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