Monday, October 23, 2006


What makes a female a WOMAN?

She’s mature (age has nothing to do with this).
She has morals and values.
She has her head on straight (regardless of level of education).
She’s independent.
She takes care of herself.
She's confident in the woman she is.
She’s always looking to better herself.
She supports the man in her life.
She’s ambitious.
She doesn’t have to have a man in her life (by any means necessary).
She has a valid line of work.
She’s selfless.
She’s responsible.
She has own her place to lay her head.

- A woman on the move

Man! I am really feeling my womanhood today! You know how somedays, you feel like a girl, or just a lady, or somebody's daughter? Well today I feel none of that. I truly feel like my own woman. For a long time, I felt like I was playing grown up. I had the responsibilities of a woman on her own (rent, OB/GYN visits, insurance, hair appointments, buying my pinot grigio's at the bar =), etc.), but I didn't absorb any of it. The little girl that I was used to being was just taking care of her business because she knew she was expected to. But now, something is different. I don't feel like I'm filling some other grown up's shoes. I'm actually walking in my own size eights for once. And did I mention that I feel sexy!? I know how true sexy looks. I know how sexy walks. I know how sexy dresses classy. But this time, I don't just know... I feel and I understand.

When you're 16 and 18 years old... when you're in college doing your own thing, you may think that you're grown up. You may think that you're a woman, but you seriously have no idea. It takes some time before you truly understand the full arrangement of a woman. I mean, it took me nearly 24 years to figure it out and I'm sure I have a WHOLE other sector of womanhood to grow into. I've grown from a baby to a girl to a pre-teen to a teenager to a confused young lady to a not-so-confused young lady to a young woman and then finally to a woman. That confused young lady stage lasts quite a long time. But I think it's between that stage and the young woman stage where you learn the most about yourself. Thank GOD for those years.

To all the young ladies and teenagers out there. Please slow down and take your time. The experiences you go through are there for a reason. Admit that you don't know everything and reach out to ones you love for guidance and assistance. Take care of yourselves please!! We need you out here!

That's all.

Have a wonderful week everyone!


Teej said...

I hear that!

There are definitely days when I look in the mirror and realize I am grown fucking man handling my B.I.. Feels good huh?

Then I have my days when I sit in my draws and eat cereal while watching 'Tom & Jerry'.

It's all about a balance babe.

Save a glass of Pinot for me ;)

jendayi said...

Lol. I can picture it Teej. You in your draws, with one sock on and one sock off, and a big bowl of cereal in your lap. Sounds comfortable and cute. Yeah it does feel good. Especially when you've always seen yourself as a little girl. I hear you about the balance too. My goofiness can pretty much cover my 'Tom & Jerry' moments.

One Pinot for you on me!

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