Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It Never Rains

I miss a good summer rain
They seem to miss out on a special thing
One of those peaceful summer rains
A summer rain to wash away the dry heat
and invigorate the sky
One that softly falls outside my window
and whispers me to sleep on a lazy afternoon
The kind of warm rain that stimulates the sweet smell of flowers

I miss that sort of thing

ya know
That rejuvenating summer rain
The type that makes you smile

as you watch lovers dart to shelter and laugh once reaching their destination
One that forces them to cuddle and kiss under an awning

I don't know
I say
Let it rain to make us remember
remember the sun
remember what a fresh day tastes like
Let the rain plead for us to sit together like a family
To share moments together that wouldn’t otherwise be available
It sorta feels good to dart over puddle after puddle

with bright colored-umbrellas like children

When was the last time I saw a rainbow after a summer shower?
When was the last time I got to see God smile like that?
Remember how it feels to experience waterfalls from heaven refresh your soul
How energizing, revitalizing, and fortifying to smell the drops
mixing with the natural yet enigmatic smells of the earth

A summer rain is special treatment
They don’t understand what that means
A summer rain to restore bright days
To remind me why I have it so good
A quiet peaceful rain that pounds consistently with the beating of my heart
yeah, something like that
Just a nice summer rain

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