Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"It's Just One Of Those Days That A Girl Goes Through"

you know the rest of the song
i am indeed angry inside and i'm trying not to take it out on you
so i'll take it out in my blog instead

menstration is no joke
it's causes you to become a whole different person
what kind of nasty hold is this!
i'm so exhausted
i'm supposed to go to theocratic ministry school today but i won't
i'll probably just go home, take a shower, get in the bed, and watch a tyler perry play
the phone is getting turned off today
don't really feel like being bothered
i was supposed to get JT's stuff today but i don't even care right now
that's how bad it is
i can seriously just sit here and stare off into space for the rest of my time here
an hour and a half to go
i'm so drained
my heart is beating fast
my mom just called
i can talk to her
i'll type and talk to her at the same time
she's asking me why i'm not taking vitamens
"get some B vitamens Jen!"
"then you won't be so evil"
yeah yeah yeah mother
i hate taking pills
actually, it's just the capsules
i can do hard pills, just not capsules
she told me to perk up and said bye
if i were her i wouldn't want to talk to me either
i actually don't mind sitting at my desk with my headphones on
especially since this mix that Mike posted is perfect right now
yo Mike!
can i get a copy?
i guess i should make that a comment on his page
never assume that people read your posts
attention from others is just an added bonus
write for yourself first and foremost no matter whether it's to release, cleanse, straighten stuff out, etc.
motorola Q's battery life is absolutely horrible
i hate this phone
it's amazing how badly you want something but once you get it you don't care anymore
i never feel that way about shoes
i just finally got my leapords and i can't wait to rock those
my fingers feel heavy
everything feels heavy
it's the twelve of september
december will be here in no time
i'm going to start a job search
get my resume tight
i have so much stuff packed on my resume
i don't really realize how much i know until it's all written down in one place
one hour and fifteen minutes to go
i remember laying on my boyfriend's bed in college in absolute excruciating pain
those were the worst cramps i ever had in my life
i will never forget that
i can feel that underlying pain now but the intensity isn't there
when is my aleve going to kick in?
i'm surprised that my back doesn't hurt
that means next month it's going down
my back will be on fire
something to look forward to
i look like a bum
why do i have a t-shirt and flats on today when i had pumps and a button up on yesterday
dag, only 2 minutes passed
(smacking me teeth)
mba program?
i don't know man!
don't know that either!
career goals?
same answer homie!
that's the only thing i'm sure about
i guess i just feel like nothing else matters
i'm tired of thinking about this crap
i just want to live
whatever homie

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