Jewel or Dark Toned Bags

Eccentric Tights

Heels with Laces or Jewel Tones

Riding Boots

What else?
the perfect rain/snow boot
stone heavy, gold and wooden jewelry
brown, green, or gold reading glasses
animal prints
pairing ebony and ivory
Am I missing anything? Add on please!
oh the bags, oh the shoes...im bout to lose my friggin mind just looking at the pics!
@ t.c. - lol. It's difficult isn't it? Especially when you're on a budget.
LOVING IT! The real divas come out in the winter time. LOL! <:)
to add on... plaid is very big this winter, especially plaid with ruffles thanks to dolce and gabanna. Leather bomber/cropped jackets. I've seem them paired with dresses, opaque tights, and riding boots. The colorful tights are mos def. in this winter. The wrap coat (thats the coat that looks like a pea coat in the back but a poncho in the front). Preppy styles like Gossip Girl chic.
That's enough. This isn't my blog but I am soooo excited for this winter. Fall/Winter fashion this season is going to be the best!!!!!!!! Great blog!
we're talking about sweaters and boots already
I am so not ready for summer to be over
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