S: j.a.c, the date was amazing. details will come later, it's kinda long. i'll just say, very well put together. very thought out and good preparation. he gets an A++ for effort.
me: WoW! so are there more dates to come?
S: maybe. i'm still not that into him.
me: yeah... oh well. at least it was a nice experience. you have such a high bar now for dates to measure up to.
S: yes, very high. he planned an activity for us to do. it was so funny but so cute.
me: an activity?!
S: yes! with paper, markers, crayons and water color paint.
me: OMG! that's so fun!!! he brought all this stuff? and didn't have a car?!
S: 2 bags on his back!
me: what?! that's crazy! i've never! i'm like cheesing right now. see... it doesn't take much. crayons and a blanket lol
S: yep!
me: i have to write about this on the blog. extraordinary!
S: you can't write till you here the whole thing
me: ok i'll wait til Friday but i'm so excited
S: i'll prob tell u before then, but it is soooo cute
me: please do! i need to draft something soon so my excitement won't wear off lol
S: lol. ok. so he met me by my job and said not to ask where we were going. we took the 1 train to rector st and i was trying to figure out where the heck in manhattan we were. turns out we were in battery park so he's trying to find the actual park area and we head towards the water. talk about a great view. so we find a spot in the grass and he sets up. he spreads a rough blanket, then a soft one, and pulls out 2 pillows. i laugh like are we gonna lay down? and he says, no it's for out butts so they don't hurt
me: lol
S: then he pulls out an eating tray, puts out the strawberries with sugar, pineapples, grapes, cheese and crackers, and cocktail shrimp, which he sauteed himself then comes the plastic wine cups for our raspberry flavored welch's sparkling juice, nonalcoholic. i'm sitting on a legde smiling as i wait for him to finish. people walking by are looking and smiling at our setup, cuz of course it was so cute. now comes the ipod with 2 small speakers
me: shutup! oh my gosh! i'm smiling so hard that i'm tearing!
S: we sit, we eat, drink and talk about various things. after about an hour, we are done snacking. he says he has an activity for us to do. he pulls out the materials and says we have to draw each other and our first impresseions of one another. he thought i was too hardcore to want to do a picnic in the park
me: lol. i can see that.
S: so we draw for about 15 min, we had to sign and date it, and then present it. my drawing was wack because my artistic abilities are null and void. his was funny. we got to keep each others drawing, he wants to hang it on his wall. it looks like a 4 yr olds drawing. stick figure and all
me: LMBO
S: then he takes out a camera, and we stand by the ledge of the water facing the sun that's slowly going down. he takes a picture of me, with the sun in the background. very nice, skyline and all, then a lady takes one of the 2 of us. very nice. then he makes me sit and watch the sun fully set, though i have to pee so bad. after that, we clean up, pack up and head towards the train. i stop at the ritz carlton to pee and he walks me to my train. we hug, i thank him for a successful picnic and he said hopefully i'll see you again and i say yes. then we went our separate ways. how cute!
me: VERY cute! kudos to him! that was the best date i've ever heard of. i didn't even know that existed!
Now you KNOW that was the business! shrimp he sauteed himself?! water color paint?! so not only did he go to the grocery store, but he went to the back to school section in CVS as well! That man deserves a round of applause! He went HARD! I dare you to tell me that you've had a better date. Lol!
that is the totaly bidness!!! There are really good guys out there, that if you set the bar high (and from the beginning of the conversation i can tell she has very high standards) they will either step up or step aside!
she kept her standards and he stepped up!
(i think that's the key set your standards, and sticking to them no matter what)
this is very refreshing and AWESOME...and one day hopefully i'll have a first date that is on the level of this if not beyond....
"i'm still not that into him..."
damn, what's he missin?
Girl you KNOW my history with questioning the man based on first impressions! I think that was a great date!
I gotta admit, my excitement for this date and this dude was wiped out when I read that he didn't have a car! Then I had to remind myself that he is in NY and technically you can't knock ppl for not having a car there....
As to why she still isn't that into him...i think that also speaks volumes. If there is no chemistry then there isn't any, we can draw all day long but if I don't want your hands on me then we might as well wrap it up early. lol
you got to give him credit though. Dude had to have guts planning this sweet "picnic" for S. (i'm talking about how he though she would be to hard to enjoy it) She could have laughed in his face and he knew that was a risk but he did it anyway in hopes of showing her a good time. That makes it even better!!!
aww! that's an awesome date. i think it's wonderful how creative he was and how fluid everything went. although she's not quite into him, maybe that will change with time. sometimes our expectations of what "is" our type isn't always right.
I was smiling the whole time I read this. Now that's fabulous! There's nothing like a beautiful date...and even if she's not that into him, it still had to be a great experience. How creative!
Umm yeah...if she doesn't want him she can ship him out to Cali for me! I think it is great that he was so thoughtful, because that is an incredibly rare trait these days. I'm still waiting for at least one thoughtful date this year...if I could just have ONE I would be happy lol.
Cute! Adorable! Brilliant! I have to share this one :-)
That is so sweet. Wow. He really put it out there. Where are the other ones at??? lol.
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