Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm A Movie Star

Have you ever known that you belong with someone after one conversation? I haven't. But I keep watching movies where that's the case. What's that like and why can't it be that simple? "Dan In Real Life" was a great movie. As light and fluffy as I felt after the movie, I crashed really hard when the next two minutes of real life kicked in. But I don't care because getting away feels so great. For the hour and 40 minutes that I'm breathing in another land, I know what it feels like to be in love or to experience the cute little surprises that make me giggle and the weird moments that make me cock my head to the side. I enjoy all of it. The open and free moments that seem perfectly set up. Genuine moments. I'm waiting for life to make me giggle and cock my head but I bet that the audience member who's watching my life would say that it already has. I'm in love with the way movies make me feel. The trouble is that I look for that feeling in life. Memorable character introductions where 'he' magically walks into my life and flawless crescendos that leave me breathless. I'm probably the biggest hopeful romantic ever. It's hard to remember that life is a little more jagged. Bump a little. Life is extraordinarily jagged. I would love to watch my own movie one day. People seem to have touching things to say about me but I'm always surprised. I'd love to see what they're referring to. Why do I always feel like I'm a work in progress searching for a better me then? What is everyone else talking about? Eh. What was I talking about? Ah. Movies. I love movies. Perhaps to my detriment being that I want to live in them, but what can I say. I love pain too. =)


But maybe it's just me... said...

If you're the biggest hopeful romantic ever, put me down as #2! I think I routinely exist somewhere between Brown Sugar, Love Jones and Sliding And I love living there, even if only for the 110 minutes that they allow me to. And hey, don't underestimate the number of folks who would head to the theater on opening night to catch our lives (edited down to 2 hours) on the big screen, too! :)

Chari said...

Girl just remember movies are the span of months, maybe years put into an 1 and a half or 2 hours.
I don't want to see my movie! lol

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