Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ran-Dumb Thoughts

I re-learned about training the conscience while reading on the bus this morning.
People don't have consciences anymore.
They just do whatever it is they feel like doing.
I remember when my conscience began to get weak.
When I just didn't care.
Not a good look on me.
I'm ready to plan my next trip.
I desperately want to go abroad to Paris and London.
I'm even contemplating going by myself.
Going in a big group would be counter-productive for me.
Coordinating preferences, differing personalities, gathering large amounts of money.
Naw son.
3 people max.
I just want to enjoy the sites and shop.
You think I can save a grand for shopping alone?
Hey, you never know.
It could be possible if I plan the trip for 2010.
The fam reunion is next year anyway.
*rolling my eyes*
I didn't think my family was one of those families with drama.
All I request is that you leave me out of it.
I don't want to know.
I'm still looking for that haircut.
I have until the 28th to pull all of my potential haircuts together.
Can you believe that August is almost over?
Back to school kiddies!
I watched MTB last night.
You know why I'm looking forward to this season.
Cuz I like performing arts preparations.
Rehearsals, learning choreography, promotion, photography.
That's my kind of stuff.
Possibly the most exciting time of the whole thing.
I remember when we used to spend nights in the recording studio.
I remember teaching choreography in my parent's basement.
Those were the fun times.
Ah memories.
I've begun reading some of my old blogs.
Some of them seem so foreign to me.
There was a blog about a crush back in 2007.
I don't even know who that blog was about!
What else is going on?
The fam is taking a trip to my grandmother's over labor day weekend.
Dad is talking about spending the night out there.
I don't want to.
I was trying to do some things with my labor day weekend evenings.
I was hoping to be in and out.
I know that's wrong though.
All my grandmother wants is to spend time with me.
I need to chalk it up and be the loving grandchild that I should be.
She got a new house too so she's excited for me to see it.
My emotions will get there once we pull up into her driveway.
Don't worry.
I'll be right in there with her.
Feeling the joy.
Have a good day people.


Anonymous said...

"People don't have consciences anymore.
They just do whatever it is they feel like doing."

So true! It blows my mind...but hey that's the world we are living in. My cousin has this thing that she says (that was told to her by this older woman), "Don't change your heart, change your people".

Deja~I~Am said...

I have been telling mom this whole week to go to Paris and London with me and speaking french all around the house!! I would soo LOVE to go with you if that's an option. I mean atleast its better than going alone and I can speak the language?? What do you say. Can we start to plan it?

Unknown said...

I want to plan a trip for myself in 2010. It'll be right after I get out of grad school. Somewhere fabulous that it takes 2 years to save for! If it comes to it, go by yourself. Maybe you'll meet a fly Fabio over

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