Monday, May 14, 2007


You ever wonder what it would be like to look at someone and read their mind through their eyes. Just stare into their cornea and see the thoughts passing through like a clear sight. Would that be a blessing or a curse? If it was a superpower, would you want it or not? Perhaps you would learn too much... more than you want to know...

His eyes are so beautiful. They're unlike anything I've ever seen before. My reflection is like crystal when I look into them. So clear. Wide open eyes. Brown as an earthy mud clay. Earnest too. His eyes can only tell the truth. Whether he likes it or not. His eyes are too honest. But I call them jewels. Topaz emblems. I wish he could see. But he can't. No one can see their own eyes. Not even in a mirror. He'll never see. Too bad because his eyes are so beautiful.

She slowly applied a dark powder up to the first long crease in her eyelid. Her left eye remained open. The right was closed. She put her hand down and opened her right eye. Vision was blurred so she blinked both eyes twice. Walking up closer to the mirror, she pulled the corner of her left eye up with her middle finger and vicariously lined her eye with blackest black Revlon pencil. Her breath steamed up the part of the mirror her lips were closest to. The line extended to the corner. She batted both eyes and stepped back. The full picture was clear. Eyes were still bare. She grabbed her staple product. "Volumizing Affect" read the tube. Doubling the length of her eyelashes, she applied another coat of XXL black mascara. After flouncing her eyebrows with pencil #4, she stepped back again. Across her mouth spread a smile. She was satisfied.


B.m.W said...

I think it would be more of a curse. It would take the meaning of building trust out of relationships. When people are ready to share, that's usually when it comes to the surface...of course, that's barring them having a subpar poker face.

Teej said...

Defintely a double edged sword. Gift and a curse love, but can I just opt to have the superpower for just a lil while? Maybe see how I like it and give it back if I cant handle it?

The I's have it indeed.

Blu Jewel said...

i've often wondered the same, but am glad i dont have that ability. the most i'd want is to simply see what my face looks like...they can keep the thoughts etc.

jendayi said...

i agree with all of you. i think i'd rather not know.

teej - no straddling the fence!

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