Monday, August 21, 2006

Mood Today: Annoyed

You know how you slacken up on things that you are normally on top of and then wake up wondering what you've been doing the whole time? That's how I feel today. I'm a little annoyed with myself for not paying attention to the priorities I have set for myself. I mean, why set them if you're not going to follow them? I have a lot of stuff to get done, and a couple of things to fix. This is my week. Might as well make it hell week.


T.a.c.D said...

Totally feeling today...I am so behind in everything...I just got caught up around my house yesterday and took a day off from EVERYONE except my Momma...just to catch up on stuff that I needed to do for can be a trip Womanhood can be rough...LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL I'm laughing because when I was watching the MJ Blidge video on your page, the phrse running through my head was: "Man. . .to be a black woman. . ."

The video just made me think of everything I've learned about the fairer gender. It's ruff being one of ya'll!! :-) Being one of us ain't exactly peaches and cream, but ya'll have your own share of struggles. Much respect!


jendayi said...

you mean T.C.'s page right? Naw it's not rough being a woman. Especially not when you keep your senses. It's a wonderful thing and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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