Monday, August 07, 2006

Quote of the Week

"A man is only as faithful as his options."

You don't know how many times I heard this comment this weekend. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

That's what players say when they're justifying themselves or when women are just fed up with cheaters. Let me rephrase it to make it a little more accurate:

"A BOY is only as faithful as his options."


T.a.c.D said...

To ME that means that you really don't want to be faithful...because if you are faithful that means that you have eliminated in your mind that you even have options...if you are faithful you are focused, steadfast....

but I am NOT a what do I know...

Anonymous said...

You're not a man, but I am, and I can say that you're absolutely right!


jendayi said...

Phew!! Preach Mike!! Thank you for writing your short novel. (smile) I really took a lot from it. Everytime I heard that expression from a woman's mouth, I immediately kept thinking, "How sad." It is a pretty discouraging and grim look, but I don't think women mean to be so pessimistic. Well maybe sometimes they do, but they're only expressing what they've been seeing. Of course there are good men out there and I do know plenty of them. I've never been with someone who's cheated on me (to my knowledge) because like you said, they had character and they truly loved and respected me. Unfortunately some women haven't had the opportunity to meet those men yet. Believe me, they do want to let it go!! They do want to meet a good guy! They do want to be positive and uplifting!! But society keeps bombarding us with images of the black man going out there and doing WHATEVER it is he feels like doing. In the black videos (LeToya's Torn for example), black movies (ie Brown Sugar, The Best Man), etc., men are always cheating. They're always up to no good. They're always trying to get over. Yes it's important to separate real life from movies and it's also IMPORTANT TO BE THE TYPE OF WOMAN THAT DOESN'T ATTRACT CHEATERS, but the good guy is something that most women aren't used to. It's very sad, I know. But it's true. I just feel bad for the good men out there who get lumped in with all the rest and never get a chance. Like a friend said, it's not cool to have to pay for what other men have done to a women in the past. What can you do about it but try to open your hearts and minds? Of course we all know that's no easy feat.

jendayi said...

By the way, it's good to see a man get so upset over something like this. It speaks volumes.

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